Although we are in the dead of winter, if you are considering adding an outdoor music zone, now is the time to act. The reason, due to the supply chain issues, certain products have a 10–12-week lead time. This is especially true for Sonos amplifiers. With a Sonos system, a Sonos amplifier is required for each outdoor zone using surface mounted or in-ground speakers. If you currently have a Bose system, either a SoundTouch or an older Boselink based system, there are no Bose options to add an outdoor zone. Bose has discontinued all music expansion amplifiers. For those Bose customers, we suggest creating a separate outdoor music zone using Sonos products. Over the next couple of weeks, we will review various outdoor speakers and how to select the model that’s right for you. We will also discuss the new outdoor in-ground sub-woofers for those who want to create the ultimate in outdoor sound. If you are planning to add outdoor music or are creating a new outdoor Living Space, schedule a free consultation @ 888-775-2683. Please visit our website @
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With Bose Soundtouch Expansion products discontinued, here are some music zone options for those upgrading their Bose Lifestyle systems.

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