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  • Writer's pictureCraig Whitaker

What are the differences in HDMI cables?

Clients are often confronted with a decision whether to spend almost double for the newest HDMI cable or try to get by with the older version? Basically, all HDMI cables will provide connectivity between your components. HDMI, which stands for High Definition Multi-Media interface evolved from the older DVI cable that only carried video signals. Remember the old days when we need to run audio AND video cables. Thankfully. HDMI cables carry both audio and video signals. The biggest difference between HDMI cables is the amount of bandwidth each offers. HDMI 1.4, although designed to transmit 4K, offers a bandwidth of 10.2Gbps; the 2.0 version offers 18Gbps. This increased bandwidth allows HDMI 2.0 to deliver 50 to 60 video frames compared to 24 from HDMI 1.4. The newest 2.1 HDMI cable will support 10K video and HDR and offers an enhanced audio channel, which will support Dolby Atmos. Before you run out and invest in new HDMI 2.1 cables, be sure your components are compatible the 2.1 or 2.0 HDMI cables. Remember, the overall quality of your audio video system is equal to the weakest component. For example if you have a great source connected to an average receiver/amplifier powering high end speakers, the overall result will be average sound. Please visit our website @

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