We often get calls and clients will say their Bose system isn’t working. That is a very broad statement and can mean many things. To help get your problem resolved, be ready to answer a few questions when calling for service. First, if you have the original paperwork, have it available when calling. If you don’t have the paperwork, know the model number of your system. If you don’t know the model number, look on the bottom of your Bose console. There will be a number such as AV-38, LS-600, etc. Next, try to narrow down your problem, is the problem a video or sound problem, or both? Does the problem occur with all sources or is it isolated to a single source meaning the DVD plays but not cable TV? If you have music zones as part of your system, are all, none, or some of the music zones working? Knowing the answers to these questions will help greatly when trying to determine your system issue over the phone and could avoid the need for a service call. Over the next few weeks, our Question of the Week will discuss specific system issues and things you can try on your own to fix the problem. Please visit our website @ www.wbsouth.com.
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With Bose Soundtouch Expansion products discontinued, here are some music zone options for those upgrading their Bose Lifestyle systems.

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