We have many clients that live in townhomes, condos or private communities that enjoy the Bose SoundTouch music platform throughout their homes. However when they want to add music to their outdoor living spaces, they discover their HOA prohibits permanent outdoor speakers. All is not lost. If you have an electrical outlet on your Deck or Patio and decent WI-FI coverage, you can simply add a Bose Soundtouch 20 or 30 and begin to enjoy your music outside. Although it is a pain to carry the unit in and out, if you are a music lover, the effort is worth the pleasure music brings. Here is a simple, quick way to test your WI-FI on your Deck or Patio. Take your phone outside and stream one of your music services directly through your phone using your WI-FI network, not your cell service. If this works, your Bose Soundtouch unit will work. Please visit our website @ www.wbsouth.com.
Craig Whitaker