There is an old adage; sometimes the student is the better teacher. That happened this week during a consultation. I was struggling trying to explain the Bose Alexa skill, and Alexa skills in general. After what seemed to be an eternity, the client looked at me and said, “It appears that these skills work like the apps on my phone”. Bingo! The client just taught me the perfect way to explain Alexa Skills, apps for your Alexa. Like an app, Alexa skills help you accomplish various tasks using voice commands. Again, like a phone app, you select the skills you want from the Amazon Skills store and then add the Skills to your Amazon account. Here is a link to CNET’s 50 most useful skills, We invite you to visit our website at
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With Bose Soundtouch Expansion products discontinued, here are some music zone options for those upgrading their Bose Lifestyle systems.

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