We recently had a call from a past client that wanted to improve the sound in their music zones and questioned whether they could upgrade their existing Bose speakers. If your existing Bose speakers are over 10 years old, the answer is yes. If you have the in-wall/in ceiling Bose 191 speakers, the premium in-ceiling replacement speaker is Model 791; for in-wall applications, the premium replacement speaker is the Model 891. Both of these speakers sell for $599 a pair. For outdoor speakers, if you have the older Model 151 speakers, the premium replacement speaker is the Model 251. The 251 speakers sell for $398.95 per pair. To get the best performance from these premium speakers, be sure you are supplying 100 watts of power to each speaker. The Bose SA-3 Boselink amplifier and the Bose SA-5 Soundtouch amplifier both provide the recommended 100 watts. The older Bose SA-2 Boselink amplifier only supplies 40 watts per speaker. An important fact to remember is that the quality of all systems is equal to the weakest link. Please visit our website @ www.wbsouth.com.
- Craig Whitaker
Will Upgrading My older Bose Speakers Improve the Sound Quality in My Music Zones?
Updated: Jun 6, 2021